Design for manufacturing software

Consider manufacturing processes, materials, and constraints during the design phase to make sure that the final product can be produced efficiently, with high-quality, and cost-effectively with Autodesk Fusion 360.

Autodesk fusion design for manufacturing software

What is design for manufacturing?

Design for manufacturing (DFM) is the process of designing a product with the goal of making it easier, more cost-effective, and more efficient to manufacture. DFM involves considering the manufacturing process, materials, and tools required. And then analyzing the design for potential issues that could arise during manufacturing. Optimizing manufacturing involves reducing production time, and reducing production costs while minimizing the risk of known issues or errors.

By addressing issues early in the design process, designers, engineers, and manufacturers can avoid costly and time-consuming delays or redesigns. Thus making sure that the process is efficient and produces a product that is high quality and cost-effective to manufacture.

Key principles and considerations in design for manufacturing


Simplify the design where possible by reducing the number of parts, components, and complex features. 


Material selection

Choose materials that are easy to source, cost-effective, and suitable for the intended purpose to avoid increasing production costs.



Use standard components and fasteners were possible to reduce the need for custom manufacturing processes or special tooling.


Tolerance and fit

Design components with correct tolerances to determine proper fit and alignment during assembly to keep manufacturing costs lower.


Design validation

Use prototyping and testing to validate the design prior to production to identify and correct issues early-on in the process.


Efficient process

Select manufacturing processes that are suited to the design. Consider factors such as machining, 3D printing, and injection modeling to help minimize waste.

Design for manufacturing features in Autodesk Fusion 360

Render of design configurations in Autodesk Fusion

Powerful design tools

By facilitating side-by-side comparison of multiple design iterations, configurations enables data-driven decision-making, reduces prototyping and manufacturing time, and offers a seamless transition from design to CAM workflows. Reducing the need for re-calculating or applying new toolpaths and accelerating time-to-market.

Simulation analysis in Autodesk Fusion

Seamless 3D simulation

The simulation tools in Autodesk Fusion allow you to optimize the design before it is manufactured. This leads to lower costs, improved performance, and reduced environmental impact.

Man using collaboration tools in Autodesk fusion on ipad

Unified collaboration and data management

Dispersed manufacturing teams use Autodesk Fusion to efficiently ideate, create, collaborate, and manage their development processes in a single solution with cloud and data at the center.

Woman using Autodesk Fusion electronics design

Unified PCB design

Autodesk Fusion offers fully integrated ECAD and MCAD giving you the ability to create the next generation of products with a unified schematic, PCB, library management, simulation, and mechanical design on a single platform

Man using drawings in Autodesk Fusion

Document your designs

Autodesk Fusion makes it easy to document your designs with 2D drawings, including dimensions, notes, tolerances, custom properties and more. 

Benefits of design for manufacturing software

Reduced costs

Design for manufacturing software helps identify manufacturing issues upfront, helping to eliminate costly design changes and production delays.


Improved quality

DFM helps in designing products that are easier to manufacture, more reliable, and higher quality leading to less issues and increased customer satisfaction.


Faster time-to-market

Design for manufacturing software speeds up the product development process, allowing companies to bring products to market faster when compared to the competition.


Better collaboration

DFM software makes collaboration between designers, engineers, and other stakeholders much easier leading to more innovative product development.


Less material waste

DFM software helps to optimize material usage and reduce waste, leading to environmental benefits and cost savings.


Increased efficiency

Design for manufacturing software helps improve production efficiency by using all available manufacturing processes, resulting in reduced lead times and increased throughput.


Competitive advantage

Companies that use DFM software effectively can provide cost-effective products with improved quality and faster delivery times, making them more competitive in the market.



DFM software helps support sustainable design practices by optimizing material usage, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing waste.


Design for manufacturing software

Cloud-based 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software for product design

Optimize part design and performance with unlimited cloud solves for generative design, FEA, electronic cooling, injection molding, and more.

Unlock additional capabilities for 3 to 5-axis CNC machining, sheet-based nesting and fabrication, and metals-based additive manufacturing.

What industries use design for manufacturing (DFM) software?

Design for manufacturing (DFM) software is used in a wide range of industries where product design and manufacturing processes are integral to their operations. Here are some industries that extensively use DFM software.



The automotive industry uses DFM software to optimize the design and manufacture of vehicles and their various components. Thus reducing production costs, improving vehicle performance, and enhancing safety.



DFM software is important for the aerospace industry when designing complex aircraft. It makes sure that these products are not only efficient but also meet strict safety and performance standards.

Medical devices

Medical devices

DFM software is a necessity in the medical device industry to design and manufacture precision equipment and devices. It aids in compliance with strict regulatory standards and enhances the manufacturability of medical devices.



Electronics manufacturers use DFM tools to design circuit boards, casings, and other components. It helps in minimizing material waste, improving product reliability, and reducing production costs.

Design for manufacturing resources

Visualize design for manufacturing issues, save time ordering parts, and get instant pricing and lead times with the Xometry add-in for Autodesk Fusion.


Learn about the significance of design for manufacturability and how Autodesk Fusion contributes to streamlining the design-to-production journey.


Learn about the top ten design for manufacturing mistakes now, so you don't make them in the future.


Unlock endless design for manufacturing possibilities with Autodesk Fusion 360

Start considering manufacturing processes, materials, and constraints during the design phase to make sure that products can be produced efficiently, cost-effectively, and with high quality.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on design for manufacturing (DFM) software

What is design for manufacturing (DFM)?

Design for manufacturing (DFM) is an approach used in product development to optimize the design of a product or component. The goal is to make it easier, more cost-effective, and more efficient to manufacture. The primary objective of DFM is to make sure that the final design can be produced with minimal waste, reduced production time, and lower production costs. While ultimately still meeting all the functional and quality requirements of the product.

What is design for manufacturing (DFM) software?

Design for manufacturing (DFM) software is a type of computer-aided design (CAD) software that helps engineers and designers optimize product designs for efficient and cost-effective manufacturing. It provides a range of features and capabilities aimed at identifying potential manufacturing issues, improving product manufacturability, and streamlining the product development process. Get started with a free 30-day trial of Autodesk Fusion today.

Why is design for manufacturing (DFM) important?

Design for manufacturing is important because it aligns the design and manufacturing processes. It leads to cost savings, improved quality, faster time to market, and other benefits that are crucial for the success of a product and company.

Where can I get a free design for manufacturing (DFM) software download?

Autodesk Fusion allows engineers to consider manufacturing processes, materials, and constraints during the design phase to make sure that the final product can be produced efficiently and more cost-effectively. Get started with a free 30-day trial download here

What are benefits of using design for manufacturing software?

Manufacturing companies can benefit in many ways by using DFM software. Some of which include: 

  • Reduced manufacturing costs due to simplified assembly and fewer components.
  • Improved product quality and consistency with reduced molding defects.
  • Faster production cycles, as assembly is now more straightforward.
  • Lower material waste, contributing to cost savings and sustainability efforts.
  • Improved competitiveness in the market by offering a cost-effective product
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