Guidelines for Use


What are Autodesk Trademarks?

Autodesk protects its rights in its trademarks to distinguish Autodesk’s products and services from those offered by others, and to enhance Autodesk’s brand and reputation in the marketplace.

Autodesk lists many of its trademarks here


Can I Use Autodesk Trademarks?

Yes! Generally, you may use the Autodesk name OR an Autodesk trademark in a referential phrase to accurately refer to Autodesk or a particular Autodesk product or service so long as:

  • You follow all other Trademark Guidelines
  • Your use of the Autodesk trademarks does not include the Autodesk logo or any Autodesk product icon
  • Your use of the Autodesk trademark does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Autodesk

Note that additional requirements apply if your product/service is made for use with any Autodesk product or service or if you are a user group. If your product or service is made for use with an Autodesk product or service, click here for more information.

If you are a user group, click here for more information.


What if my product or service is meant for use with an Autodesk product or service?

Great! You may use Autodesk trademarks in a referential phrase to accurately indicate that your product or service is for use with Autodesk’s product, service or technology so long as you follow these rules:



  • Use your own product name for your product or service

  • Use a referential phrase like “for,” “for use with,” “compatible with” or “runs on” to identify your product’s relationship to Autodesk’s product

  • Make your product or service name distinct from and more prominent than the Autodesk trademark that you reference

  • Include a tradegraph
  • Don’t incorporate the Autodesk trademark into your product name

  • Don’t use a name that is similar to or a variation on an Autodesk trademark

  • Don’t use a name or statements that lead people to believe your product or service is an Autodesk product or service

  • Don’t imply endorsement or, sponsorship by Autodesk or inaccurately represent an affiliation with Autodesk



What if I am a member of an Autodesk Group Network?




  • Use Autodesk trademark symbols with Autodesk trademarks (for specific guidance, see Trademark Symbols)

  • Use a disclaimer stating that you aren’t endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Autodesk

  • If your group has a geographic presence, put the location of the group first in your name

    : Seattle Revit® User Group or use a referential phrase (such as “user group for”, “users of”) to indicate your group’s relationship to Autodesk or its products

    :  Chicago Users of Revit®
  • Don’t create names or branding (such as logos) for your group that are similar to or variations on Autodesk trademarks

  • Don’t use branding that would cause the public to believe your group is part of Autodesk

  • Don’t register as a trademark any group name or branding that incorporates any Autodesk trademarks

  • Don’t use Autodesk trademarks in any name that your group uses to:
    •  Register a trade name or business name
    • Incorporate (even as a non-profit or educational organization)
    • Enter into a contract
    • File papers with a government or regulatory agency
    • Otherwise conduct official business



Can I use Autodesk Logos and Product Icons?

It depends! You may only use Autodesk logos or product icons if you have permission and a specific agreement in place with Autodesk. Even if you have permission, always check the requirements on the Autodesk Brand Hub and the “How Should I Use Autodesk Trademarks", as those guidelines will still apply to your use of an Autodesk logo or product icon.


How Should I Use Autodesk Trademarks?

Use our Trademarks Accurately

Refer to our trademarks as we do – see our trademark list for reference.  Don’t modify our trademarks.  Note that some trademarks have more than one word as part of the mark.  If you have permission to use an Autodesk logo or product icon, use it in accordance with the requirements in the Autodesk Brand Hub.

Use our Trademarks as Adjectives

The Autodesk trademarks describe our software and services.  So, we ask that you treat our trademarks as adjectives and place them in front of the goods and services that we provide.  The trademarks should not be treated as nouns or verbs and should not be used in the possessive or plural form.  They should not be abbreviated or made into acronyms.

Correct: I installed AutoCAD software on my laptop.
Incorrect (using it as a verb): AutoCAD-tize your architecture project.
Incorrect (using it as a noun): I installed AutoCAD on my laptop.
Incorrect (using it as a possessive): AutoCAD’s interface is user-friendly.
Incorrect (using it as a plural): Autodesk sold 3,000 AutoCADs yesterday.

What about the DWG trademark?

DWG is the name of Autodesk’s proprietary file format and technology used in AutoCAD® software and related products. Because of the prominence of the DWG name in connection with AutoCAD-based products, and the considerable marketing and sales of AutoCAD products over the years, the DWG name has come to be closely associated with Autodesk. DWG has served and now serves as an Autodesk trademark. Autodesk has never precluded, and does not seek to preclude others from either using .dwg as a file extension or from making software that is compatible with the Autodesk DWG file format. The status of DWG as an Autodesk trademark means, however, that certain uses by others of DWG as a brand, without prior permission from Autodesk, are not permissible.




  • Follow all other Trademark Guidelines

  • Use DWG as a file name in a referential phrase such as "works with DWG files," "for use with DWG files or the DWG file format," or "compatible with the DWG file format.”

  • Disclose that DWG is the native file format for Autodesk’s AutoCAD software and is a trademark of Autodesk, Inc.

  • Maintain a visual distinction between your company and product name and the DWG trademark.
  • Don’t use DWG as part of your product, service or company name

  • Don’t create branding or logos (including compatibility logos) that incorporate the DWG trademark or logo without Autodesk’s express permission

  • Don’t apply to register any trademarks or domain names incorporating DWG


How Should I Use Trademark Symbols with Autodesk Trademarks?

If you are an Autodesker or Autodesk supplier or vendor, please refer to the Editorial Style Guide for additional guidance on the use of trademark symbols. If you do not have access to the Editorial Style Guide, we appreciate your cooperation in using the proper trademark symbols with our trademarks as shown on our trademark list.


How Do I report Improper Use of Autodesk Trademarks?

In the event you see or become aware of any unauthorized or improper use of Autodesk’s trademarks, please contact the Autodesk Legal Department:


More Resources

For additional information about our trademarks and their usage guidelines, please visit our Brand Hub and Editorial Style Guide*.

*Please note that access to the Editorial Style Guide is limited to Autodesk employees and vendors. It is not accessible to the general public.


Still Have Questions?

Here are some answers to common questions:

Q: Are Product Names the same as Trademarks?
A: No. Product names may include one or more trademarks, but they are not the same thing. You can reference the Trademarks list for assistance.

Q: Can Trademarks be more than one word?
A: Yes. Trademarks can be one word or more than one word. For example, the word "Autodesk" can be combined with another word to create a trademark (e.g., Autodesk Flow™, Autodesk Forma™, Autodesk Fusion™).

Q: What is a Tradegraph and How Do I Use one?
A: A tradegraph is a paragraph that includes a trademark paragraph and copyright notice.  At  the end of the communication, collateral material, publication, or other material or on the copyright notice page of the material that references Autodesk trademarks, include one tradegraph incorporating a list of all applicable trademarks used throughout the material. Do not include trademark symbols (® or ™) in the tradegraph.

Sample Tradegraph Language

  • For Autodesk-generated materials: “Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, [replace this bracketed text with an alphabetical list of all other Autodesk trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © [replace this bracketed text with the calendar year material was last modified – usually this will be the current calendar year] Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.”

  • For third parties who reference Autodesk trademarks: "Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.

  • For use of third-party marks: “All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.”